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Something about... The best day in my life.

Today I'm going to write us something about the best Friday. Was it unusual? Yes, it was. Why?
As I wrote earlier, I bought a ticket to my idol's concert in Poznań. I was on many Dawid's concerts, but this one was unique and one of a kind.
I went to Poznań by train with my friends- Vanessa and Marysia. We were so excited. When we arrived Marta and Magda our friends were waiting in front of the club, because they arrived earlier than us. It was 10 o' clock in the morning.
 Few minutes later Natalia, and her friend came to us with gloves, scarves and blankets, because it was very cold outside.

 At noon my friend Klaudia came too. She was helping me with a suprise which I was supposed to do my internet friend. We went together to Natalia's school. That day, she finished her lessons at 1 p.m. Klaudia was waiting in front of the school, and me and Marysia behind the wall next to the main entrance. She didn't know that I came to the concert, because I told her that my parents arrvied and I must stay with my younger sister at home. I also told her that I sold my ticket. Klaudia helped me everything :D To me more credibly :)
When she was walking with Klaudia after her lessons I jumped on her from behind. She was scared because she disn't know who it was. When she saw me she began to cry. She was smiling too. I was very happy, that everything went well. It was our fourth meeting :)
 Below a short film who recorded my friend Marysia

Me and Marysia went back in front of the club. In 2 hours I was supposed to make my dream come true. Time passed very quickly. Before I looked back we were let inside. Together with my friends were waiting for our turn to meet our idol. Girls told that this is my first close meeting with Dawid I should go as a first. I was terribly anxious and at the same time full of emotions. When I went inside Dawid greeted me with a smile. He said that we both look similar to the background of the photos :) I was walking in tha air :D I thanked him for the people whom I got to know. When he was giving me autographs on my things ( CD's, photos) we talked about school,concerts. Later the photographer made us a memorial picture, and then he hugged me.

I spent concert with Natalia and my other friends from Rakoniewice, Rostarzewo,Wolsztyn and Wielichowo. We had great time. We were dancing, singing all songs. We were happy that we could spent concert together and was all ath the opening of the whole route. It was the best day in my life. With my best people <3


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